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KW School of Music
Piano Samick WG-3B
Piano Samick WG-3B Used - Good. Serial number 315079. Regularly tuned (2 times per year). Price: $1400 Please Contact Us for more info...

KW School of Music
Grand Piano - YAMAHA C2
Great condition. Year build 2001.
Serial number 5935169.
Regularly tuned (2 times per year).

KW School of Music
Piano - Samick SU-110
Great Piano for beginner! 19 years old. Regularly tuned (2 times per year) and taken care of. Price: $2100 Price includes extra tuning...

KW School of Music
Piano Pramberger-PV-110F - SOLD
Piano for sale - It's approximately 20 years old, has couple small scratches (see photos) and will require tuning after moving. Price...

KW School of Music
Piano Samick S-108S - SOLD
Piano Samick S-108S - SOLD -From the well-known, reliable Samick brand -In excellent condition -Made in 1995 -Model S-108S- 44" -Brown...

KW School of Music
Piano for Sale SOLD- Steigerman
Build in 2003. Regularly tuned. Came from our student family. Price: $2750 Price includes extra tuning ($150 value) Please Contact Us for...

KW School of Music
Piano SOLD - Samick SU-108P
Great Piano for beginner! 25 years old. Regularly tuned. Came from our student family. Price: $1,250 Price includes extra tuning ($150...
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